At a time when the coronavirus is spreading with lightning speed and the Qarabag people are caught, the visit to Spain is somewhat questionable. Three days ago, five players were infected. Therefore, Abbas Huseynov could not return to Baku from Istanbul. In addition, it seems possible that the number of infections will increase until tomorrow when the test for the trip will take place.

I wonder what UEFA's new pandemic law says for coronavirus patients? How many players must pass the test so that the team does not go away? In any case, there is a clause in the updated Statute of the highest football body of Europe. We did a little research and it turned out. 

According to, nothing happens with the infection of 3-5 players. In order for the game to fail, one of the teams must have a mass infection. If 13 of the players listed in the club's UEFA A list are healthy (one of them must be a goalkeeper), the team must travel and play. This means that in order for Karabakh not to travel to Spain, either all the goalkeepers must be ill, or, God forbid, 11 out of 23 people on the list submitted to UEFA by Agdam must have a positive test result. 

Another question: what will happen if Karabakh cannot go to Spain due to a mass infection? Our representative will be technically defeated by 0: 3.