report that Rustam Orujov is in the 1/16 finals of the 73 kg Martin Hojakaya (Slovenia), followed by Oleg Babqoyevə (Russia) won. Our athlete, who lost to Armenian Ferdinand Karapetyan in the quarterfinals, defeated the representative of Uzbekistan Murodjon Yuldashev by ippon in a consolation match and qualified for the bronze medal match.

She defeated Obidkhon Nomonova (Uzbekistan) in the match for third place.

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The award ceremony caused dissatisfaction among Armenians. Thus, the hanging of the Azerbaijani flag ahead of the Armenian one angered our hostile neighbors. 

They protested against this, citing the fact that the name of our country is in the alphabetical order after Armenia, as well as the fact that Rustam Orujov lost to Ferdinand Karapetyan in the quarterfinals.