The statement came from Elkhan Mammadov, executive vice president of the organization, reportsHe said that the number of teams should have increased to 10 this season. However, due to the pandemic and the problem of sponsors, the issue has been delayed: "This issue will be discussed again in March."

According to Mammadov, the lack of regional teams is often discussed in the football community. The AFFA official said they expect support from local authorities: "I'm not saying that as AFFA we are doing everything perfectly. But every step has its own reason. We finance regional clubs so that if a businessman comes to football, we offer him a finished product. It is important for us that football survives. Maybe tomorrow the Executive Power will take over this work. We hope that in the future businessmen will support this work. We expect this step from them. We keep in touch with large enterprises in the regions and inform them about the club. "

Executive Vice-President, the Premier League club to 12 deliveries considered risky, said: "Sometimes the media write that the licensor certain clubs in the Premier League do not leave. This is not the case. We want the quality of the balance of the break. Championship for the 10 clubs Perfect 12 club It's a risk. The club must have a tradition. "