These are weightlifter Firuza Ibrahimova, karateka Khudayar Karimov and boxer Gulhuseyn Agazade.

Samples taken from all athletes showed the presence of a banned substance or its metabolite or markers.

Firuza Ibrahimova was sentenced to two years in prison for S1.1B Endogenous AAS / 5aAdiol (exogenous origin) and S1.1B Endogenous AAS / 5bAdiol (exogenous origin). The weightlifter's sentence will be calculated from September 23, 2019.

Karateka Khudayar Karimov has S9. Glucocorticoids / betamethasone detected. He was also sentenced to two years in prison. Karimov's sentence will take effect on November 26, 2020.

Gulhuseyn Agazadeh, who faces 4 years in prison, was found to have S1.1B Endogenous AAS and their metabolite and isomers / 19-norandrosterone. Agazadeh's sentence will expire on January 14, 2024.
